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Have you ever been in a situation where someone seemed to understand everything - and I truly mean everything - about you? You know, it was like they understood your thoughts and had crazy insight into your life - your past experiences, your triumphs, your pain, your joys, and your sorrows? And not only that, but they were also able to take that starting point and not just leave you with the beauty of a shared experience. They took it a step further: they took you by the hand and ushered you into something greater than you knew existed. This, in a nutshell, is the experience of Texas Singles Conference. It is a time to connect with people - to meet new friends and reacquaint yourself with, well, not old but let's call them "vintage" ones. It is a time for friends and fun but it is also a place for something deeper. For some it is a place to find healing. For some it is a place to find confirmation. For some it is where they finally grasp the phrase "ye are complete in Him" and find the completion they are so desperately seeking. For others it is a place where ministries are launched. All of these things happened at Texas Singles Conference this year. We were blessed by the music of Tina Moore and Texas Bible College. In addition, it was such a privilege to have our incredible group of keynote speakers. The conference opened with a beautiful message by Karen Harding in which we were introduced to a heart of worship. The next morning was a time for sharing testimonies, stories, and experiences - a touching yet informal session that Cheryl Carter called "Coffee on the Couch." That evening we were ministered to in a deep way by Janice Sjostrand. The next day began with split sessions where Karen Harding addressed the ladies over age 40, Gary Carter addressed the men over 40, and Thomas and Kimberly Letwinch spoke to the Ellipsis group (20s and 30s). The conference ended with a session in which Janice Sjostrand provided a powerful message of hope, healing, and transformation. The conference was also a time for fun and fellowship. We set out for two different restaurants for lunch on Friday and enjoyed the company of friends. After that evening's service, we enjoyed a beautiful banquet - complete with a violinist and photo booth - and an evening of fun and games at the Marriott that lasted into the morning hours. We met for lunch again after service on Saturday and filled the restaurant to the brim. Saturday evening concluded with a group that explored downtown Lufkin and enjoyed coffee and pastries. We would like to thank everyone who came out to Lufkin this year for the conference. It is our honor to share this experience with you and we hope to see you again next year! If you weren't able to make it this year, please join us in 2017 for our 10th anniversary. In the meantime, though, please check out some of our conference sessions here.
You can also learn more by visiting our conference website: www.aheartofworshipconference.com. #txsamconf2016 Were you at the conference this year? What was your favorite part of the experience?
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